Combine livestock farming and solar energy production

Prairie avec des vaches et des panneaux photovoltaïques au premier plan : image de l'agrivoltaïsme.

Custom solutions to support the agricultural transition

Sun’R supports livestock farmers and landowners seeking to combine agriculture and energy, two complementary forms of production.

We are committed to developing virtuous agrivoltaic projects that respect the environment, landscapes and biodiversity, while safeguarding the vitality and balance of our regions.

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Sun’R: a pioneer in agrivoltaics

The Sun’R Group, through its subsidiary Sun’Agri, has developed unique dynamic agrivoltaics technology. The result of three research programs and 15 years of research and development, the purpose of this innovative crop protection tool is to protect farms from the effects of climate change. Sun’Agri uses solar louvres to regulate sunlight and further enhances the benefits of this solution by producing green energy. Intelligent sunlight control protects crops from the effects of climate change.

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Agriculture and energy, two complementary forms of production

A livestock agrivoltaics project aims to improve the overall environment of the livestock while producing solar energy. Sun’R is committed to providing sustainable solutions for agriculture by putting agrivoltaics to work for the farming community and not the other way round. With every project, we identify and preserve the agronomic potential of the land by deploying appropriate solar installations. We set up zones for agricultural activity and provide regular project monitoring by our experts.

Contact a Sun'Agri Expert
Agriculture and energy, two complementary forms of production

A livestock agrivoltaics project aims to improve the overall environment of the livestock while producing solar energy. Sun’R is committed to providing sustainable solutions for agriculture by putting agrivoltaics to work for the farming community and not the other way round. With every project, we identify and preserve the agronomic potential of the land by deploying appropriate solar installations. We set up zones for agricultural activity and provide regular project monitoring by our experts.

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During the six months on site, we built up a strong professional relationship of trust with the team responsible for our project, whose approach can be summarized in three words: efficiency, respect and adaptability.

Jean-Yves Deprades

Agricultural producer, Groupe Ille Roussillon - Llupia

The benefits of agrivoltaics for livestock farming

  • Combat the risks of climate change
  • Ensure animal welfare
  • Support and promote farming projects that are firmly rooted in the local area
  • Produce renewable energy to help meet the targets set by the French government and the EU
  • Create new grazing opportunities and preserve the agricultural function of the land by placing the farmer at the heart of these transformations
  • Restore grasslands
  • Diversify and secure fair incomes for farms
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Nos offres - bloc 1 - Agrivoltaïsme

Do you have an agrivoltaic livestock project?  You are:

Sustainable Development 03
The owner of a plot of land that you would like to make available to a livestock farmer
Nature 01
A cattle, sheep or poultry farmer looking for land for your farm
A cattle, sheep or poultry farmer with a plot of land and a livestock agrivoltaics project

Technical requirements

Permanent grassland or fallow land (depending on the CAP)
Light Bulb
Maximum solarization of 30% of the usable agricultural area (UAA)
No cereal conversion