Reduce your electricity bill,
strengthen your commitment to the energy transition

Contact a Sun'R Expert

Green, local, carbon-free electricity

Sun’R supports your solar energy self-consumption project with innovative, custom solutions. Solar energy self-consumption means producing all or part of the energy consumed on your site. You produce and consume your own green electricity thanks to a solar roof, solar canopies or a ground-mounted power plant. By choosing self-consumption, you are opting for an efficient and sustainable solution to reduce your energy bill.

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Reduce your electricity bill

Generating your own electricity can considerably reduce your electricity bill. By directly consuming your own electricity production, you cover part of your energy needs and reduce the proportion of your consumption that comes from the electrical grid. In some cases, if your production exceeds your consumption, the surplus electricity can be sold on the grid, generating additional income.

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Enhance your CSR commitments

Generating energy from a renewable source is a great way to enhance your CSR commitments. You reduce your carbon footprint and your dependence on fossil fuels, while helping to combat climate change. You are committing your company to the environmental and energy transition.

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Enjoy personalized support

We support you at every stage of your solar project. From the design to the operation of your self-consumption solar power plant, you will receive personalized support. We offer you the best solutions, tailored to your economic situation and your environmental and financial objectives.

Contact a Sun'R Expert
Our teams are on hand at every stage of your project:
  • Site analysis and recommendations
  • Administrative procedures
  • Project design and sizing
  • Financing
  • Construction
  • Operation
  • Maintenance
Tell us more about your project
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Solutions tailored to your needs:

Solar Panel
Self-consumption with direct financing
Waste Recycle
Self-consumption with third-party investment