Au premier plan : un champ de fleurs mauves ; à l'arrière-plan : une centrale photovoltaïque au sol constituée de plusieurs panneaux solaires.

Give a new lease of life to your vacant land

Add value to your land by building solar power plants

Sun’R supports landowners, businesses, farmers and local authorities seeking to contribute to the energy transition in their region by installing a ground-mounted solar power plant. An opportunity to add value to vacant land while generating additional income.

This solution is suitable for:
  • Landowners
  • Manufacturers
  • Farmers
  • Businesses
  • Local authorities


Prerequisites :
  • Vacant land and artificial ponds
  • Surface area approx. 1 hectare
  • Surface area over 3 hectares
Au premier plan : un champ de fleurs mauves ; à l
Plusieurs panneaux photovoltaïques posés à même le sol, inutilisable en agriculture, forment une centrale.

A responsible, professional company. I am extremely satisfied with my collaboration with Sun’R, which I wholeheartedly recommend. The teams are attentive and take into account the environmental issues of the land on which they develop their projects.

Laurent Amic

Land owner, Omergues

Expertise throughout the life of your project

Our approach combines operational excellence and flexibility. We manage the entire value chain: development, design, financing and operation/maintenance. Our teams are with you from A to Z, every step of the way.

Projects that integrate into your local area

Every project is carried out in close consultation with the local community. Solar power plants are built in line with local land-use regulations. We prioritize projects that involve the local authorities and/or residents in their financing, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the region.

Add value to your land

By installing a solar power plant on your vacant land, you can turn the space into a source of income while regenerating your site. We add value to decommissioned land (former quarries, landfill sites, brownfields, decommissioned highways, etc.) and our teams handle the entire operation.

Des panneaux photovoltaïques installés sur une toiture, sous un ciel bleu.
Les Omergues _ crédit photo Sun R Power (29)

A customized turnkey project

Blueprint and Pencil
Technical assessment

Our team studies and assesses your site to produce a comprehensive map of its environment. This enables us to define the solar potential of your land and identify any constraints that need to be removed. We carry out a range of studies and analyses: topographical, sun exposure, environmental issues, landscape, natural risks, etc.

Launch your project
Problem Solving

We believe that a project should be carried out with and for the local community, so we work closely with the local elected representatives and stakeholders in your area. This prior consultation ensures optimum integration of your project by identifying local needs and acceptance criteria.

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Calculator and Square
Studies and project development

Our teams carry out an impact study, which identifies all the potential impacts associated with your project: ecological, environmental, landscape, etc. The planning department pays particular attention to the quality and exhaustiveness of the impact study, as this is a determining factor in the opinion of the environmental authority and forms the basis of the public consultation.

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Building Helmet
Planning permission

Ground-mounted power plants require a building permit and the approval of the environmental authority, which assesses how well the project integrates into its environment. All our projects take into account landscape conservation and the creation of a unique environment for each site. Our aim is to design installations that blend seamlessly into their surroundings and respect the unique characteristics of each site.

Launch your project
Puzzle Gear

This represents one of the key technical aspects. The existing electrical grid is not always able to accommodate additional energy production. Depending on the power required, we contact ENEDIS (distribution networks) or RTE (transmission networks) to obtain a technical study on the connection of the project. In the event of any difficulties, we can suggest other innovative alternatives for connecting your power plant (mixed connection, etc.).

Ready to get started?
Critical Thinking 02
Technical selection

Sun’R’s technical and procurement departments constantly monitor the sector and liaise directly with suppliers to ensure that our choice of modules and inverters is the most efficient and cost-effective on the market. There are numerous system types: fixed, mobile (single or dual axis), ballasted or ground-mounted. Our choice depends on your project’s geographical location, size, configuration and soil type.

Discover our offers
Money Management
Project financing

We prioritize projects that involve the local community in their financing. There are several options for financing your project: direct ownership or third-party investment.

Contact us
Floor Plan Design 01

Our teams supervise the entire construction process of your solar power plant. We maintain the highest standards of quality and safety throughout the construction process, and organize regular inspections.

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Operation and maintenance

Once your solar power plant has been commissioned, our O&M department ensures that your solar canopies are running smoothly, and that maintenance is carried out quickly and efficiently. This daily monitoring and the tools we use to manage our projects enable us to achieve a plant availability rate of over 98%.

Let's go!