Rent out your land and generate additional income

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Add value to your spaces and benefit from an additional source of income

Sun’R offers you the opportunity to add value to your property over the long term by renting out your land to install a solar power plant. Own land that is unused or nearing the end of its useful life? Give it a new lease of life and contribute to the objectives of the energy transition!

Generate additional income

Leasing land for the installation of a solar power plant is an attractive solution for property owners who wish to diversify their source of income while contributing to the energy transition. In leasing your land to Sun’R, you turn it into a source of renewable energy and benefit from a stable income stream over the long term.

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Add value to your property

Installing a solar power plant on land that is unused or nearing the end of its useful life (former quarries, brownfields, mines, etc.) enables you to add lasting value to your property assets by giving them a new lease on life. You can contribute to the development of your region, which will directly benefit from positive economic repercussions (job creation, etc.).

Discover the terms
A turnkey service

We are with you every step of the way. We verify the eligibility of your land and assess the amount of your rent. Our teams take care of all the administrative and financial formalities: once the project has been successfully developed and the solar power plant built, you receive rent proportional to the surface area of the plant, over a period of 30 to 40 years, with no investment required.

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